Producers of the most epic music you will ever hear. The studio's name refers to Heaven which is 2 steps from hell: Heaven-->Earth-->Hell
Dude: Oh, you're studying for finals? What you listening to? Beiber? Mikey?

Bro: Dude. Don't be a fag. Here, listen to Two Steps From Hell and never look back.
by Dick Weinerwang September 4, 2015
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The popular single-person dance wherein one pushes out one's belly and clenches their buttcheeks together while taking quick, delicate steps toward the nearest toilet for an emergency expulsion of diarrhea.
Everyone laughed as Uncle Charles leaped up from the couch and did the green apple two-step after we had Thanksgiving dinner at the Bombay Kitchen.
by Jarski November 14, 2007
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"He must have ate something that disagreed with him and was doing the 'Rocky Mountain Two Step' all day". (Nicer way to tell someone you or others have/had diarrhea). Could also be 'Rocky Mountain Side Step' or 'Rocky Mountain Quick Step'
by Cache2 January 21, 2022
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When two female cousins from West Virginia scrap the ball sweat from a man and swap it orally back and forth.
Shawna and Karen gave Joe the ol West Virginia Two Step the other night. He said thank you by making them a fried bologna sandwich.
by Earth Wind and Taint October 3, 2021
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The procedure a person follows to drive a car with manual transmission.

"Three pedals," from left to right: Clutch, Brake, Accelerator.

"Two-step": Ordinarily, a couples' dance step.
"C'mon... I'll teach you how to do the three-pedal two-step."
by Ponyguy March 28, 2010
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When a person wearing a doo-rag is adjusting their head piece while doing a two-step dance to keep their super low and baggy jeans up just above the knee.
I was in an elevator and a dude doing the doo rag two step asked me what was for lunch. i was floored that he was able to concentrate on 3 things at once.
by General Penny Lane August 9, 2011
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When a man who has time infinitely accelerated speed blitzes out of your attack and then dashes behind you with his infinite speed because he abused your weakness
Enrico Pucci: Two Steps, You where two steps too late. The blood of the powerful joestar family for their strength their courage their bravery fate is on their side, however! weakness is written in their blood. Jotaro Kujo.. your weakness is your daughter!
by jojo shitpost crusader August 10, 2023
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