10 definitions by willbchou

Alternative for oatmeal, which is comprised primarily of oats. Coincidentally the food of goats.
Silly Female Vegan: "I feel like such a bunny, all I've had to eat is carrots today."
Observant Guy: "You also had goatmeal this morning."
by willbchou November 6, 2011
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The sensation when swinging your arm in a wide arc underwater causes the fingers in the hand to rapidly wobble and contact each other.
"It has been so long since I've been in a swimming pool, that I forgot the feeling of ripplefingers!"
by willbchou December 31, 2015
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A nap for workaholics that take place in a comfortable chair, usually one that can stay reclined with minimal effort and good balance.
I was so tired today I took a chair nap after lunch.
by willbchou September 23, 2010
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So I arrived at work today, and I am staring at the same thing that I did last Friday. Actually the same thing I've been working on all month. It's definitely another Mondayne.
by willbchou March 14, 2011
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A phrase used when the opposite meaning of "no offense" is desired. Often used in conjunction when making a point.
Lady: "This twelve-year-old just called me 'kitty'. I'm not sure if I should be flattered :P"
Lady's Friend: "Sounds like he is some sort of reverse pedophile. Offense on purpose."
by willbchou January 2, 2012
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Amber Heard has been linked to multiple DUI's with potential fatalities of passengers with reckless abandon. The opposite of wishing someone well.
"Hey, did you hear Logan Paul might run for president?"
"Yikes our society is doomed... unless on the off chance he goes for a drive with Amber Heard."
by willbchou May 25, 2022
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Person 1: Typing out three words "waste of time" is a huge timewaste.
Person 2: Oh man, I guess I've been timewasting all this time.
by willbchou March 14, 2011
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