9 definitions by jessy

I think Jelly braceletes are just something fun to wear around i mean there very stylish at my school everybodys wearin them. It sux that everybody has to make such a big deal of things well im not going to stop wering my jellies!!!!!
this is wat they mean at my skool
red-lap dance
orange-hand job
yellow sparkles-kiss and hug
green-kiss/outdoor sex
blue-blow job
by jessy April 21, 2004
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Look at that fine ass yamp ova der
by jessy March 28, 2003
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The best version of Faye Valentine cosplay in the galaxy.
Man-Faye is uber hot in those tiny little shorts.
by jessy February 20, 2004
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One who is not really good looking, but exudes sex appeal. Thus making them fuckable.
by jessy January 6, 2004
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