316 definitions by harry flashman

After the chituch at Lukes bris the mohel grafted the shiznay to his bifurcated upper lip.
by harry flashman July 9, 2003
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Bubba, fetch me some teep, else I'm gonna have to cut up Mama's curtains.
by harry flashman July 30, 2003
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Bubba had a new tattoo he'd gotten last night with his mastercard, a hangover, had lost his dentures, the double-wide was leaking, he was a nickle shy for a lotto ticket, the tag on the Firebird was 2 months out-of-date and the transmission was leaking a quart a day, was being sued because his Blue Heeler raped a poodle and his court date for child support was tomorrow...he felt like dog poop.
by harry flashman July 31, 2003
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Erhalten Sie ein Leben, beschmutzte Unterwasche; auf wiedersehen.
by harry flashman July 10, 2003
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A situation involving public outrage or malicious talk about us.
Bill told Hillary, "Sweetie, Monica is arse candle."
by harry flashman August 16, 2003
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A slang expression for a person experiencing an erection that raises the cloth (trousers or sheet) covering his genitals much like a tent.
Yerleena...lookit Bubba...Omar-the-tent-maker!
by harry flashman July 13, 2003
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