14 definitions by crowdsurfer

(hŏl'ē-wŏŏd') - VERB

To load in with more than two non-working chain motors and no spares.
"Ok guys, take a break, I'm gonna have to run back to the shop, looks like we've hollywooded this one!"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(duhb-uhl dee) - VERB

To screw up a task so simple that it could have been done by amoebas.
"Oh dear GOD, all I wanted you to do was turn on the light, how the hell can you DD that?"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(āv'ə-lānch') - NOUN

Any piece of staging that is still at the venue 6 months after the event.
"will somebody get this avalanche outta my way so I can set up the band gear?"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(hâr-bawl) - VERB

To direct a load-out from the back of a truck.
"Don't worry, you can fuller the load, he'll osier it and I'll just hairball it from here!"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(jōōs-bŏks) - NOUN

The act of showing up for a call at the wrong venue and wrong time.
"Where's Paintchip?"

"Oh he'll be late, he pulled a Juicebox"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(yuh-nak) - NOUN

The act of stealing someone's car, then cutting the police chase short by dumping the vehicle and hopping a city bus for 3 stops.
"did you hear about the guy pulling the Yanac yesterday?"


"due, he totally drove off in the instructor's car!"
by crowdsurfer February 7, 2010
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(fŏŏl'ər) - VERB
To place 2 fingers on something as it moves past you to make it appear as if you are helping, when in fact you're not contributing anything to the cause/action.
"Don't forget to fuller that case as it comes off the truck!"
by crowdsurfer February 6, 2010
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