32 definitions by Smart American Male

Once an uplifting lexicon which was okay to watch every once in a while. Today, it's a preppy tenny bopper channel consisting of actors spawned in a genetics lab. Everything on Disney Chennel is overrated, such notable shows and actors include:

A show about a hefty psychic played by Raven Symone.
A show about living in a hotel with Ashley Tisdale as a receptionist. As a matter of fact. The scientists modded her to 23 years old because she was given "sensitive" traits.
A show about kids who think they are Harry Potter, such as Selena Gomez.
The Jonas Brothers, the most overrated band in history who make cameo appearances in all of Disney's modern day shows, and even had a TV Movie with Demi Lovato, which was awful. What kind of name is "Demi" anyway?
A bratty Disney Couple who also got their own documentaries. Vanessa Hudgens, can be summed up as a Filipino Paris Hilton who dresses sluttier. And Zac Enron-- I mean Zac Efron, who is clearly an idiot.
And the brattiest of all, Miley Cyrus who stars in a show about a country hick who is secretly a pop diva, that has sold out in concerts and marketing ploys.

All shows are unreal, with actors that are unreal who all can't sing. Infact the only real word they know is "gimme". A big shame comes from the American people who actually believe that they are perfect when clearly they are not even living humans.
Disney Channel Actors: Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme!
Normal peroson: No.
Disney Channel Actors: Waaaaaaaaahh! Ahhhhhhhh!
by Smart American Male December 29, 2009
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a unit a weight for fat, heavy, obese women
Look at that women! She must weigh like 300 thuds or something like that!
by Smart American Male April 22, 2006
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1The Chosen One. As in the one chosen to tarnish the entire country with her success.
2The Bomb. By the bomb, I mean her music is shipped to enemy forces overseas, then terrorists listen to it and kill themselves.
3Hannah Montana. Clearly the most awful program in entertainment. It's even banned from countries with people who have sensitive hearing. So fake that is makes the Final Fantasy series look nonfictional.
4 A no talent attention whore who doesn't have friends and only acts for money and attention. Also if you're over 15 and enjoy her music or shows-- wow! That's like 5 million of you! Hohohoh...
God: *holding baby Miley* Billy Ray. I bestow upon you little baby Miley Cyrus. I present to you a queen and future ruler of entertainment. The chosen one! *drops baby Miley on her head* ...Oopsie...
by Smart American Male January 18, 2009
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Time to clean the slate on the LeBron James definition. A pathetic, ego driven traitor and the main villain of the NBA. His departure to the Heat was truly disgraceful to Cleveland. He decided to announce his move in a classless fashion which is a big fuck you, with no proper goodbye to Cleveland. He whines about not winning rings when in reality he wants to play with 2 of his butt buddies. His explanation for all of this was a lie.

Queen James' decision to sign with the Heat happened to be planned out since 2008, when his boyfriends, Dwyane Fade and Christy Bosh were on the U.S. team in the Olympics. Turns out LeBron could have gotten a championship with the Cavs, he just decided to quit like a fucking bitch in the playoffs (2009 vs Magic; 2010 vs Celtics.). The 3 lovers decided to join forces today all because they were pulverizing countries who don't give a squirt of piss about basketball.

He didn't wake up the morning of his decision day and talk with his mother about it. Your mother would sure as hell not be okay with you blowing up half of a U.S. state to kingdom come including where you live just to get a small piece of plastic around your finger.

And thus his lack of backbone and machismo proves himself as not a knight but a knave, not a leader but a follower, not a winner but a loser! And not only that Cleveland and Akron hate him now but so do the other teams, realizing his free agency was a fucking rig. He's never going to be on par with Jordan and Kobe.
Miami fan: HAHAHA WE GOT LeBron James and Cleveland sucks!
Cleveland fan: Nooooo. Now that you got LeBron, Miami sucks. Oh and they just lost again. Throw another jersey on the fire.
by Smart American Male July 11, 2010
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A funny name for Disney's untalented douchebag prettyboy, Zac Efron. In relation to the bankrupt Energy corporation known as Enron. Used as an insult to clue people in that Efron will go out of style pretty soon as well as every Disney Channel star.
Zac Efron: I'm Zac Enron! I am afraid of girls, I have no penis, and I kill small animals with my voice! I hate you. Can I have all your money for my marketing ploy?
Average American: That's nice, sir. Tell somebody who cares.
by Smart American Male January 18, 2009
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A burly man who doesn't really know that he's cool.
Man 1: I suck.
Man 2: Meatwallet, you have seen anything have you?
by Smart American Male September 7, 2006
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A drawing of a male genital, mainly as graffiti. Drawing + cock = drock.
Goddamn fags! If I see another drock made on this desk, I'll tie their asses in knots!
by Smart American Male October 27, 2006
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