317 definitions by Sean

A very elaborate and advanced newspaper that is available everywhere. It contains articles about business as well as current events. Overall, an excellent paper.
None of you dumb fucks read the Wall Street Journal because it has no cartoons or color. Shit, just shit!
by Sean June 20, 2003
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to be high on cronic and drunk

cr (onic) and (dr) unk

Got some dank weed and some 40's lets get crunked
by Sean December 15, 2004
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Sam: Hey Sean, what's up?
Sean: Dude, seriously, don't open the door, we're performing ragnarok!
by Sean March 9, 2005
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v.,n. - to accidentally shit oneself while attempting to fart
I accidentally sharted myself.

Did I get some shart on you?
by Sean September 10, 2004
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When you fart and a little bit of shit comes out much like. Used in the movie along came polly.
by Sean February 24, 2005
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One who continuously drinks beer, fucks girls, does cocaine and smokes an amazing amount of weed.
Yo lets cop a 40, hit the slopes, burn a marley and fuck that bitch
by Sean February 3, 2005
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