21 definitions by Punchy McAssface Jr.

When one defecates into a box and/or large envelope and sends it to a random southern address located in any state below West Virginia.
"Clark never liked the south. So one day he sent an Alabama resident a southbound mud pile."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. March 29, 2010
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A Billy Joel Special is when a drunk driver crashes in to your house
"I was just having a quiet meal with my family, then all of the sudden, BOOM! I got hit with a Billy Joel special."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. May 9, 2010
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One who oversees all financial transactions relating to ones anus.
"Kevin has a thankless and foul occupation. He is the most popular asshole accountant in the tri-state area
by Punchy McAssface Jr. March 31, 2010
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"A dominican shower is when you avoid paying your water bill and your water gets shut off. As a result, you are forced to collect dripping water in buckets under every faucet in your house. Once enough water is collected, you bathe yourself by dumping the collected water on yourself."
"My dad forgot to pay the water bill so I was forced to take a dominican shower last night."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. May 9, 2010
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A small tong like object used to remove any fecal matter or dingleberries left over after a unsatisfying incomplete bowel movement
"I ate a large variety of ethnic foods today. I for-see I may need a reliable pair of doo doo tweezers tomorrow morning."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. March 31, 2010
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The sidewalk snail barrier is when a group of 3 or more people are walking extra slow down a busy city sidewalk, spaced out with no room in between. This makes it nearly impossible for someone who walks at a normal pace to pass said group.
"Sorry I was late to work, boss. I was walking as fast as I could, but I ran into a sidewalk snail barrier."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. May 9, 2010
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A condition which starts with a gentle reminder that you have to shit. You sit down to shit like normal, but then suddenly, you feel a pain so horrible that you wish you are dead. This pain continues through multiple bowel movements. In time, your pain may ease.
"I don;t think I can ride a bicycle today. My ass is still sore from having a case of the burnies last night."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. April 19, 2010
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