40 definitions by Meadow Soprano

Someone who gets drunk and has sex with many people.....often
Tara Reid and Paris Hilton are perfect examples of someone who is an alcowhoric
by Meadow Soprano October 9, 2005
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the inability to maintain being your authentic self for any significant length of time
Steve would always apologize for his horrific behavior and and would confess "deep dark secrets", but within days returned to his lying and manipulative ways......
by Meadow Soprano August 5, 2005
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a "place" where people claim to be when they have left emotional baggage behind; whether this is true or not is only shown by their behavior
After years of therapy and reading self help books, he claimed that he was in A Better Place, but his actions showed that this was not the case
by Meadow Soprano October 2, 2005
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When someone claims to be all "zen", but their actions show they are full of shit.
Adam claims he has put things behind him, and that he is in a Zen place....but his contractions show it is just bullzen
by Meadow Soprano October 15, 2005
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short for contradictory actions
Dave swore he was over his ex-girlfriend, but the words he kept putting on UD about her were contractions- he was projecting again.
by Meadow Soprano October 15, 2005
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when parents don't let their children do anything, and are afraid of everything in the world, because their baby might catch a cold, or fall down, etc.
The mother absoultely FREAKED OUT when another toddler grabbed her child's juice box. "Dont't drink that!!!" she screamed.
She is suffering from a severe case of parentnoia.
by Meadow Soprano September 30, 2007
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someone who thinks something is owed to them by life in general; or because they are who they are
I had a friend who would never work on her birthday, and throw hissy fits when things didn't go her way- what a brat- had a huge sense of entitlement
by Meadow Soprano October 23, 2005
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