28 definitions by Cc

to strike by any means necessary normally with a slap or a backhander
hafifa gave me a big kuff for calling her tonka tough
by Cc July 5, 2004
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1. a feeling of unease due to anxiety about an impending bowel movement

2. a feeling of unease due to a desire to eliminate one's bowels, specifically accompanied by an inability to perform this function

3. both of the above can be caused by the urge to move one's bowels in places considered uncomfortable, such as public restrooms or bathrooms in houses of people you know well or otherwise

4. anxiety caused by constipation

(etymology: combination of "uneasy" and "feces")
I'm feeling unfeasy because haven't taken a shit in 4 days.
by Cc January 27, 2005
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A 'lol' (laugh out loud) with an added "ler" at the end.

As with "lolz" and "lolz0rz", "loller" is just another form of lol.
by Cc June 23, 2003
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To be very, extremely angery
I'm so pissed cause she stole my cell phone!
by Cc February 4, 2004
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An R&B singer who claims to be from chicago while he's really from Des Moines, Iowa.
by Cc May 8, 2003
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Crossing the bridge from Detroit to Windsor, ON to go to the strip clubs.
The strip clubs in Detroit were just not raunchy enough so we went on a Canadian Fishing Trip
by Cc June 3, 2004
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