49 definitions by Caroline

noo noo! all hail wyatt. oreos are yummy
by Caroline April 29, 2003
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A nice thing to snuggle with lots of hair. Good on sofa's. Can be soporific
Oooh my lovely McFadden-boy, you are such a cuddly snuggle puffin. Come over here Poot!
by Caroline November 17, 2003
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Someone who think they hard; someone always poopin shit
Everybody these days thinkin they hard body
by Caroline January 11, 2005
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the act of giving a boner. this term originated in a small ice cream parlor in the middle of pennsylvania one summer's eve and was thought to be an original, somewhat like the words of shakespeare, only less profound in meaning. the genius' involved in the making of the word were quite stund to find that it had already had a meaning on this fine website, but still feel that their definition suits best.
dude, that chrissy girl just dobbered me! its huge!
by Caroline July 12, 2004
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a jolly man that has an ass out of this world...great with computers and women named bill he likes to pet peter bergschneider in his office of ballerinas and licks lollipops all day while talking on the phone with his aunt aziz
villavicencio watched the tube on his fat ass
by Caroline December 2, 2003
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when a person wears a scary amount of mascara
Although Melanie thought her mascara application was flawless, her eyelashes really looked like scary spiderlegs
by Caroline February 14, 2005
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