Z*e is a problematic hoe that deserves to die. i cant believe i ever supported her. she doesnt deserve theh followers she has, she groomed a child, she hit her friend for editing charli damelio, she vapes, she cheated, she lied, she crys for attention, she faked abuse, she was a fake friend, she faked suicide, she blamed her fans for changing. and people still support her for some weird reason.
z*e l*verne cheated on cody!!
by anonymous261 November 12, 2020
by Mista Mike August 10, 2005
a brand of rolling papers, most commonly associated with use in marijuana joints rather than hand-rolled cigarettes
by flyinbrownie May 31, 2006
When you are rat-racing with another car on a tolled expressway and you both come to the toll booth, but only one has E-Z Pass, so that one cruises through with ease and the other never has a chance to catch up and get back in the race, well, you've been E-Z Passed.
I was racing a Ferrari on the turnpike and he E-Z Passed me at the toll booth. I am definitely getting an E-Z Pass immediately.
by keyline December 12, 2016
A brand of rolling paper that began in the early 1970's named for easy identification, named after the counter culture movie, Easy Rider. It is the first known rolling paper written up in The Wall Street Journal, whose intent was for the use of smoking marijuana not tobacco. An origional slogan was, "Fly High with EZ Wider."
by shitbrothadig April 17, 2007