by antjamram November 4, 2012
by MOMINATL October 30, 2010
May be used to address/ or when talking to a younger person, female, or friend.
Youngin' got a fat ass.
Youngin' got a fat ass.
by ewAhmeMe January 12, 2006
by duh August 22, 2003
Derived from the great Paul Young, to be 'youngin it' is to switch from a relaxed and jovial mood, into a vitriolic fury.
This switch is often performed in a swift or fast fashion, often unnoticeable until an outburst occurs.
This switch is often performed in a swift or fast fashion, often unnoticeable until an outburst occurs.
Michael: "Have you heard about the Kodiak Bear?"
Kathryn: "Michael ENOUGH!"
Michael: "Wow, really youngin' it today, aren't you."
Kathryn: "Michael ENOUGH!"
Michael: "Wow, really youngin' it today, aren't you."
by CusterBrickson October 3, 2023
A word that's commonly used in DC. Used to refer to any person whether young or old. Not necessarily disrespectful in nature.
by cocochanel October 23, 2005
That young'un is a pain in the ass!
by numerator April 30, 2005