6 definitions by antjamram


means young person.

- is just another way of calling out to someone that is younger than yourself.
by antjamram November 4, 2012
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for real for real

the utmost apology.

This is used to emphasize your saying sorry in an apology, it makes it more believable and compassionate.
"That hurt my feelings Ant."

"I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry V, for real for real."
by antjamram November 2, 2012
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someone who is fast and likes to fuck a lot.
- a dude (rabbit) that loves sex, can't live without it, doesn't care how he gets it or who he gets it from, just as long as long as his needs are satisfied.
by antjamram November 4, 2012
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Major League Hiding.

- when you're playing video-games and you decide to hide as soon as you get the lead for easy victories instead of playing.
Opponents: "Camping is the whole game is not cool."

MLH: "That wasn't camping, that was MLH at its best."
by antjamram November 2, 2012
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on the A

means ASAP

- the A therefore stands for ASAP.
"Hey man, I need you over here on the A, I'm in trouble."

"Ok, I'll be there in 5."
by antjamram November 4, 2012
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Major League Pimpin'

- Those that are the best at pulling girlies.
You: "I was at school my dude, this girl started talking to me in class, and offered up her number."

Friend: "That's awesome, you are definitely MLP!"
by antjamram November 2, 2012
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