Person 1: "Yo mama plays with that stick all day long!"
Person 2: "It's Yo-Yo Ma, and it's called a bow."
Person 2: "It's Yo-Yo Ma, and it's called a bow."
by FireAarro November 13, 2003
by violingeek July 14, 2011
Yo-Yo Ma is such a horse's arse whose Asian penis is inferior to my American one.
(If South Park proclaims it to be true, who am I to argue?)
(If South Park proclaims it to be true, who am I to argue?)
by Cbuc December 25, 2005
Definition 1
Yo Yo Ma is a great professional cellist. He is one of the most famous. He can play Bach's Cello Suite No.1 Prelude exceedingly well along with many other things. He played at O'Bamas inauguration ceremony as the cellist.
Definition 2
A great way to make fun of Yo Yo Ma's name as a form of saying hello to your parent, guardian, friends or family... or anybody you feel like
Yo Yo Ma is a great professional cellist. He is one of the most famous. He can play Bach's Cello Suite No.1 Prelude exceedingly well along with many other things. He played at O'Bamas inauguration ceremony as the cellist.
Definition 2
A great way to make fun of Yo Yo Ma's name as a form of saying hello to your parent, guardian, friends or family... or anybody you feel like
Example 1
Zane: Hey Sarah. Whats crackin'?
Sarah: Um nothing just watchin' Yo Yo Ma defeat the constant battle between him and his cello.
Zane: Spiffy! Hes like a beast!
Example 2
Jimmie: Yo Yo Ma! Whats up?
Mom: (looks up) a bird!
Zane: Hey Sarah. Whats crackin'?
Sarah: Um nothing just watchin' Yo Yo Ma defeat the constant battle between him and his cello.
Zane: Spiffy! Hes like a beast!
Example 2
Jimmie: Yo Yo Ma! Whats up?
Mom: (looks up) a bird!
by bobkielviol March 8, 2009
Yo-Yo Ma is only the best cellist in the entire world! This is guy is Asian and should not be confused with a rapper. He's played in concerts since like age 7 and played his first Bach Cello Suite when he was 4. People all over the world buy his albums which are very diverse and all different from one another.
by Cellonator May 29, 2006
the god of all cellests
by average cat March 7, 2010