When a male ejaculates and pees in a condom filling it.Then pokes a small hole in it and forces it up a females ass with no lubricant and then squeezes it out through the small hole in the condom.
Dude so last night i Yellow Rivered my girlfriend it was so hot.
by Luncio February 3, 2016
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Fingering a chick while she's pissing.
Guy 1: I can't believe Andrew fingered that drunk chick while she was peeing.
Guy 2: ahhh the I'm yellow river dam?
by Frank_Xanatra January 5, 2018
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Having some form of sexual relations with an asian
Have you ever been down the yellow river?

Yeah, once in the 80's but I did not enjoy it.
by Leon_Phelps January 30, 2011
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