The condition of obese or morbidly obese. Named after the sound the Pokémon Snorlax makes in the video games.
Holy shit, Serena was skinny in high school, but now she has the woomp!
by kimmykymmi March 9, 2015
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a woomp is a person who trys to be a whoos but is realy a little girl
that courtney from australian idol is a real woomp
by go anthony and casy November 7, 2004
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a term used to describe a flat ass, but in a disappointing matter.
"Damn, she gotta woomp woomp" - Kivi
by B.Nice September 8, 2006
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1. manifestation of honor loyalty and progression.

2. Being unconditionally dedicated to your culture.
by Tteezy October 5, 2020
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