Wombination, or Word Combination is when one takes the primer half of one word, and combines it with the latter half of another to form a novel word. Defined by Websters as a Portmanteau- a french word describing a rucksack, or briefcase (the two halves of which must be put together to make one).
1. Nana F.: "What material are your shorts made of, Lukasz B.?"

Lukasz B.: "Why Nana, They are Jean Shorts."

Nana F.: "Ahh, Jorts...of course!"

Lukasz: "Jorts?"

Nana: "Yes, Jorts- it's a Wombination!"

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someone who abuses the fertilization drugs to there own advantage.
kate plus eight!!!

These people are known for creating useless reality shows....
by Marquittia October 24, 2009
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