a code that people put in a myspace bulliten to "whore" / populate other myspace users. the bulliten has ususally a picture and then numerous reasons why you should add/ not add this person. then a link to where you can add them.

so basically it's just a way for pathetic people to get 8730946349058673486 friends on myspace.

(whore code for whore code)- basically..if you whore them, they'lll whore you.

thus increasing your friend count on myspace.
by annnuhhh December 2, 2007
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A programmer who writes such a messy and unorganized code that you need hours to sort out the logic behind it.
Person A: Did you check the code John wrote for the new project.
Person B: Yea, it a total crap. I never knew John is a code whore. I wonder how our company could hire such an awful programmer.
by nobodymeansnobody December 20, 2009
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1. Someone who codes for fun.
2. Someone who codes their programming class project out of school or after it, usually to make it good and show people up.
3. Someone who will code for you if you pay them money.
"John is up in his room coding his project... what a coding whore."

"He stayed after school so his project would be better then Jim's. He's a coding whore."
by Matt Paoletti December 1, 2006
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Someone who does not see programming as an art, but often creates a dependency hell and writes overly complex spaghetti code for profit and intellectual masturbation.
Many if not most programmers working for Big Tech are coding whores.
by November 9, 2022
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