
How some younger children might pronounce the word urinal because they can't yet say the, "yer" sound.
{1st grader Daniel}: Teacher, I have to go urnate in the urnal!
I need to go RIGHT NOW before I pee my pants!!!
by Telephony June 20, 2014
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Today's Journalism - usually a poorly researched or even completely false article written by a "urnalist" pushing a specific narrative or agenda over facts. Compounds the word "Journalism" with "Urnal" in a way for obvious reasons.
Did you see the article written by a Urnalist at Eurogamer about dead or alive 6? It somehow managed to relate it to Trump and Ivanka's relationship? Holy fuck they are terrible at their job, Urnalism at its finest.
by _MaDMaN08 March 2, 2019
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Urnal Humper

A guy that when using a urnal, gets so close to it, he practically looks like he is humping it. Usually someone who is insecure about penis size, shape, etc., so they feel the need to avoid all chances of anyone else seeing. Common in boys ages 8-16
While walking out of the locker room:

Guy: Did you see Ethan back there?

Guy 2: yeah, he's such a urnal humper! I thought he was going pee all over himself

Guy: probably just has a small dick
by Whitesoxfan69 April 18, 2011
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Urnal lip

The result of pouting when the lower lip sticks out.
I see that you didn't get you're way again... I noticed your urnal lip...
by flyby1000 May 7, 2010
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