Holy, and i thot I came up with this expression "unsalted cracker" to describe someone..

Unsalted cracker: someone really boring.. no excitement, like there's no flavor.. no colour.. all flatness/no personality..
A little song to sing to someone who fits this description as an Unsalted cracker.."youuu've got!.. NO PERSONALITY, ZERO PERONALITY BORING BORING AND ALWAYS NOT HAPPY SO ADD A LITTLE PAPRIKA INTO YOU'RE PERSONALITY.."
by AliciamMOCTEZUMA February 1, 2008
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Uptight white person whos life is all work and no play and probably parts his hair.
The rich people across the street are unsalted crackers

PS:This is in no way hateful, I am white.
by KCJWhellz December 12, 2004
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Too be a very lame white person, generally directed to obnoxious white people.
Charlie: Yo azn man wtf are u doin in ma home town?? go back to china!
Lee: Shut up you Unsalted Cracker! Go get some salt, and fight me like a normal cracker!
by wonger180 March 15, 2008
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Saltine crackers without salt that only my grandma buys
Friend 1: hey can you pick up something for me at the store
Friend 2: ok what is it
Friend 1: some unsalted saltine crackers
Friend 2: how much have weed have you shoved up your asshole tonight for you to think that's a good investment
by xruser May 20, 2022
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