sarahs english class was turtle awkward the day after she got drunk and madeout with a geek in her class. talking to your ex.
by christina_jessica August 2, 2008
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When you get a bit sick of the boring old 'Awkward Turtle'

Used by putting one hand on top of each other and gesturing the thumbs forward (signifying the awkward turtle.) Then take your two hands into fists and bang them together (the erm, baby making) and finally keep your hands in fists but take your thumb and pinky out and move forward (signifying the babies.)

Put it together fast and you get it! :D
Boy: Hey, erm I like you.
Girl: I er, like you too.
*Laughs awkwardly*
Boy: Awkward turtle...!
Girl: Awkward turtle equals awkward babies!
by gilliaanx August 4, 2011
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The animal mascot of the awkward moment.

When you're in an awkward moment, place your hands on top of each other, and spin your thumbs forward. Thus creating the creature know as awkward turtle.
Oh my god, so I was talking to Becky about STDs and I forgot she had syphillis... it was mad awkward turtle
by Final Attempt September 7, 2005
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During an awkward moment, this hand gesture is used to mark the situation as awkward, and, depending on the situation, makes it more awkward or clears the air. The awkward turtle is made by putting one hand on top of the other with the thumbs sticking outward and rotating forward. The speed of the rotating thumbs depends on the degree of awkwardness.
Boy- "I love you."
Girl- "Um...that's cool..."
by <3 curse of curves <3 May 29, 2007
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A sex position in which the woman cocoons herself in a blanket with only her backside sticking out. The man's penis then enters her from behind. A good position while banging an ugly chick.
Paul found Mary very unattractive, but he was horny, so they just did the awkward turtle.
by chemnerd101 September 16, 2009
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Friend making Awkward Turtle sign.
Friend who knows better: "Platypus?"
by Likitung. December 20, 2008
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A motion performed by stacking one's hands on top of one another, extending the thumbs and rotating the thumbs slowly. Performed after a friend has said/done something awkward, either to ease the tension or further humiliate the friend.
"Dog, today carver asked laura to the dance, and she turned him down in front of like 50 people."
"What'd you do?"
"We had to bust out the awkward turtle"
by Urban Dictionary December 6, 2007
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