A story with multiple untruths that won't withstand even a cursory inspection. The trumper will vehemently deny that these untruths are lies.
In the Senate hearing, Kavanaugh told a trump of lies about the definition of slang terms such as boofing, Devil's triangle, and FFFFFourth of July.
by MK112 September 30, 2018
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When the world has quasi-zero reasons to doubt the Liar-in-Chief’s manifold falsehoods, because what he says is false is true, and what he says is true is false—does this arguably paradoxical statement make him a truth-teller or a liar?
Doesn’t the statement “All Trump lies are true.” sound like a paradox? If he lies, this means that what he says isn’t true, which makes him a truth-teller. If he doesn’t lie, this means what he says is false, which makes him a liar. So, is he a liar or a truth-teller?
by MathPlus April 15, 2021
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When God’s “anointed” political savior of millions of white blue-collar workers and hundreds of thousands of white evangelicals says that two and two are five, there are no reasons why his diehard supporters should doubt or question about his brand of political math—when real statistics in politics are often concealed or concocted to boost the politician’s odds of winning an election or reelection.
For decades, it’s about “lies, damn lies, and statistics”; today, in an age of Trumpism, the new mantra for dishonesty is “lies, damn lies, and Trump’s lies.”
by MathPlus December 26, 2020
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