The laugh you do after you troll someone. Trolling someone is making fun of them, hating on them or even just annoying them. Generally the aim is to piss someone off. When you succeed, you are then permitted to say "trololol."
You being a troll + doing it for the lulz = trololol
by thagodfatha July 23, 2011
#1: baby i want you so bad..
#2: mm i want you too tell me what you wanna do to me
#1: ohh im not sure you cant handle this
#2: tell me baby
#1: i want to..hug you
#2: *embarrassment*
#1: trololol
#2: mm i want you too tell me what you wanna do to me
#1: ohh im not sure you cant handle this
#2: tell me baby
#1: i want to..hug you
#2: *embarrassment*
#1: trololol
by thealmightytroller September 10, 2011
by bdrash March 1, 2012
by SomethingRandom88 August 24, 2011
by Staple Machine March 15, 2011