Online stalking performed by forum trolls. A troll will often trollow you around on the forum, posting provocative replies to your comments - regardless of you ignoring them.
"I outed this user at the forum as a troll, in a comment section in the post forums two days ago. He's still trollowing me around, disputing every single comment i make.

Hit him with the banhammer 'til he's back in Nintendo- land. That'll teach him not to trollow "
by The Incredible Nerd/Junkie April 26, 2011
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To trust and follow at the same time; usually in a galloping fashion.
"Are you sure you know where you're going? Whatever, I'll trollow you."
by ucsdtritons September 16, 2015
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Trollow is a user who made iMicrosoft and made iShit
is a Troll
can troll people who deserve to be trolled
i wish Trollow is banned from Discord
Trollow: hehehehe, we will do a little bit of trolling
by Trollow March 12, 2022
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