The new Rickrolling or Tophered is an internet meme involving the unexpected appearance of Topher announcing “y’all already know who I am”.
Allyson: check out this video
Topher: y’all already know who I am, my names Topher and I think Olivia
Amanda: I just got tophered!
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Ya'll already know who i am, my name is Topher.
Person 1:Who are you?
Topher: Ya'll already know who i am, my name is Topher
by Loopy<3 January 5, 2023
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Anything that is poetic in nature dealing specifically with the weather
Girl, that was a sweet topherism you had last night while describing those cumulo-nimbus clouds.

Students please find the symbolism in this topherism.
by Dr. James Kurger September 15, 2007
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(Verb). To make something easier through means of cheating, cheat codes, cracking tools or a guide. Specifically related to Video games.
He was completely tophering his way through Final Fantasy 7.
by EvilZ3RO December 16, 2012
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Topher is a tall, handsome, funny male who can be addicting and sometimes hard to look away from. A topher is never a female and has an Italian sausage if you know what I mean. Topher spread his disease, also known as topherculitis, which is missing the topher and always thinking of him. You will sometimes suffer from topher withdraws.
"Did you see Topher today?"
"yes! And he gave me some topherculitis"
by Short shit August 23, 2012
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A cheese-ball who everyone is just forced to love because of his adorableness and innocence. Also the world’s holder of the most nicknames and best name. A Topher, not to be mistaken with a gopher, is your typical boy next door times one thousand. He is adorable, yet attractive and vulnerable, yet manly. He can be a bit ignorant but it only makes him more of a Topher. He has a one true love who makes him even more of a sweet guy.
friend 1: Hey did you meet that new cheese-ball next door?

friend 2: Yeah he’s a Topher and my new best friend.
by wanderlust-roxie August 21, 2012
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The sweetest, sexiest, most perfect guy on this planet who will make you laugh harder than you knew you could. Time spent with Topher is never wasted and never forgotten; it is never enough.
I'm so glad Topher's all mine!
by careohline February 3, 2010
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