To change the subject of an interesting discussion with a silly or uninteresting subject.
(Like redban from joe rogan podcast always does.)
"Hey man i saw a documentary about scientists who found a planet with life on it.."
-"You know what? i had pizza today and my cat was sick and puked everywhere!"
-"why you need to redban me dude? come on.. just shut up please.."
by carbon_dioxide_silly_boy January 19, 2012
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Guy from some place I forget, probably best known for being employee and friend of Joe Rogan.

Something about editing videos and comedy.

Usually the quieter guy on the JRE.
"Hey Brian Redban, aren't alpha brains supposed to make you smarter."

Some person who thinks he's really dumb.

But to those people:

Fuck off Brian's hilarious. love that guy, no homo
by qweasdwersdfertdfg October 28, 2011
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