The best person you will ever meet. He has an awesome personality and makes funny jokes. He shines when there is no sun...
Tizzy walked through the crowd. Everytime he looked back, people were shielding his eyes due his brightness.
by Dr. Crazzy March 16, 2009
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to be ballin of the chain.
I am on a quad of shrooms right now, it is so tizzy.

The cubs lost again! That is so tizzy.
by niggerpussy November 10, 2008
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1) a slang term for the word “town.”

2) any place where one goes to score some go-go juice.
Matt: Yo yo! I’m goin to tizzy to scroltch some go-go juice, full throttle. If you want me to snag you some 12 oz curls you gotta gimme that mad mozzarella.
by A. Quick August 23, 2007
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this is the real deffo (others are fake bitches)

It means when you are having such a fucking great ass time like FOR REAL
1) A: that was so sister goals
B: um dude ew, don't you mean that was so fucking 'tizzy'

2) have a tizzy time!
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1. Another term for a blowjob, derived from the slang term tops.
Yo ole girl at the club gave me the tizzies in the bathroom, word is bond.
by Max N. August 14, 2007
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