Where the person u send this to needs to send you a Tity pic
Adam: it’s national Tity day yk wat that means Emily
Emily: ye ur right I’ll send it
by April 17, 2024
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Intend to induce or enhance the feeling of relaxed mood. Basically a much harsher way of saying "chill out".
by Majestically mysterious Wizard February 6, 2019
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Womens breast that sag in an unattrative manner.
"Dude, those titie slackers in that porno were in need of medical attention."
by Dallas Over Nine Thousand November 5, 2009
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When the breasts of a woman are so large that they appear either physically impossible, unstable, or dangerous to others.
Damn boy! Look at those mountain titties. I think we found everest!

Don't let a girl with mountain tities like those motor boat you. It'll be your last breath.
by Oreonsam May 17, 2016
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