The retarded internet virals (other than ikoy-ikoyan/ikoy-ikoy, Rickroll, Sandstorm/Darude - Sandstorm/Sandstorm by Darude, Harlem Shake, butchered languages {anagrams nobody asked for---such as "ngab" or "sabi", "all your base are belong to us", DogE, meme man}, new words nobody asked for {like literally, every Urban Dictionary's definitions}, etc.) which still exists till now
by Sir. B August 31, 2021
by i hit kids with gucci slides October 23, 2018
Guy 1: Bro do you want to do the tide pod challenge?
Guy 2: What’s that?
Guy 1: It’s where we record ourselves eating a tide pod and we post it on Instagram.
Guy 2: Oh then hell yeah bro I’m down! I’ll go get the bleach to wash it down.
Guy 2: What’s that?
Guy 1: It’s where we record ourselves eating a tide pod and we post it on Instagram.
Guy 2: Oh then hell yeah bro I’m down! I’ll go get the bleach to wash it down.
by Underyourbed1234 January 20, 2018
A challenge that still exists to this day, most commonly known for it's suicidal outcomes due to the chemicals in it.
by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 20, 2021