A boy who take 7 showers a day and asks every(I mean EVERY) girl for nudes.
Stop acting like an Owen Wagner, Jake.
by hahahpeoplefrommyschool January 20, 2019
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A dirty wagner is the act in which a fat bitch, occasionally rumored to have one or more STDs, is riding a little guy and then vomits in his mouth while they are kissing.
A: hey, do you still have that video of the girl that looked like lebron james giving a dirty wagner to a tiny russian dude?
B: nah man, i lost it. You should go ask C.
by C__S September 21, 2021
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One of the greatest composers of all time who was born in Leipzig in 1813. Mostly known for writing 5-hour long operas, such of those being "Tannhäuser", "Tristan und Isolde", "Lohengrin", "Der fliegende Holländer" and "Der Ring des Nibelungen" tetralogy which includes operas "Das Rheingold", "Die Walküre", "Siegfried" and "Götterdämmerung". Also know for his German nationalistic and antisemitic views, thus being the favorite composer of one globally known Austrian artist. Apart from operas, has some really nice orchestral and piano works.
- Hey Mischa, what are you listening to?
- Richard Wagner's Tannhäuser Overture.
- But wait, wasn't Wagner anti-
- Be quiet and don't bother me. The trombone part has started already!
by weavileoff0461 July 30, 2022
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a filthy skreb lord who tips his fedora and says "m'lady" but gets rejected by his waifu pillow. is a god in minecraft though.
"dang, casey wagner is a PLEB"
by outermostdig January 21, 2016
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When you fail miserably at whatever you’re doing.
I really took a Botch-Wagner on that math test
by Coach2022 February 28, 2022
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The use of console commands, in the place of insults
A: Asswipe, Command+D for Dumbass

B: Dude stop with the Wagnerism
by gapik34 January 11, 2017
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A person that is the sexyist person in the world and I someone call you a Wagner they want to suck your dick
Your a wagner
by AddictedLobster June 9, 2017
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