A place where we learn meaningless stuff that has no impact on life.
I don't want to go to hell, my GPA is 3.8, please!
by ilikepaper June 29, 2023
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Funny, or amusingly stupid.
“I told my teacher she can suck my balls!”
“Boy you hell. laughs”
by bigdeo June 27, 2022
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A place in most religions where you and other sinners get punished with there worst fear/horrid things. e.g.: skin peeling with horrifying music, horrible pain, experiencing horrible actions they done or something much worse.

Hell is mostly related to Christianity and other religions with good and evil.
I don't wanna' go to Hell! I didn't do it! Huh? Oh. it was just a dream
by Serbia is Awsome May 26, 2021
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A synonym for the Professional Legal Training Course at a certain place.
A petition by requisition to add PLTC as a synonym for Hell.
by Limited Liability Pirate July 7, 2022
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