The look a person gives someone right after or while saying "What the fuck?".
Adam said the stupidest thing today, so I shot him the WTF Face and he knew how stupid he had been.
by letsgetcray March 2, 2015
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1) the face made when wtfery is spoken
2) a blown face

often following the words or with the words what the fuck or what the hell
Guy 1: dude i spent the night with a girl

Guy 2: u swack the joint

Guy 1: nah we just talked

Guy 2: wtf *wtf face*
by CapTionisT November 12, 2009
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Describes a person with a face that looks like they have been inbred, and/or are just straight up ugly enough to cause you to take many double takes and/or talk shit about how disgustingly hideous they are.
-"Holy shit, that chick is ugly."

-"Damn, she got a WTF face."
by HOSTILITYx702 September 9, 2010
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