Flying Cat, also referred to as squitten, is a rare species only made in Canada. These creatures are the meme generators!
Steve: Hey look, a flying cat!
Joe: oh yeah, one of those has told me a meme before.
by Albruins September 18, 2019
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A strange flying animal resembling a cat that lives in the back aisle of southern Wal-Marts. He attacks anyone with a mullet and is known to steal men's shirts and wallets.
by jjoe1&marley12thebrothas October 5, 2011
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To find a flying cat you will have to first get a sheep 2 get a frogs foot 3 go to the nether in Minecraft then you will be able to Simon this creature
by Alligator_king23 April 22, 2022
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u dont see them very often, but when you have a cat you now understand what it feels like to have a flying cat in your bedroom.

very scary of cucumbers ;-; they jump at u
man 1: why is there a flying cat?
man 2: the dogs tried to get her so i threw her over the fence..
by SHITTY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! July 1, 2021
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