Its stupid, no normal people say this, its laughable at best, not insulting at all. Nerds of the fifties and 60s said it. Watch twilight zone, u will hear it in damn near every episode. Only they say to leap at the moon.
But ive got to see you, helen! iblive u!

Randy, I've told u before. I'm not interested! How bout u take a flying leap at the moon!
by serling_hitchcock February 4, 2015
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take a flying leap a non vulgar way of telling someone to fuck off
my boss fired me for coming in late to work one time i told her to take a flying leap
by bluebear May 28, 2020
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simply, this phrase is a "nice" way to tell someone to take a flying fuck to a rolling donut, take a flying fuck, go fuck yourself, get lost, kiss off, go suck an egg, go fly a kite, etc.
Schoolyard bully: Gimme a quarter, chump!

Other kid: Take a flying leap of a galloping goose!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 5, 2007
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