A born prodigy. A genius with innumerable talents. A computer whiz. A cool , handsome, friendly and understanding guy. an immortal time traveller. A scientific and logical person. A mind that computes faster than that of all the scientists in the world put together. Modern god of science and logic.
guy 1:what do you call a person who solves all of hilberts problems and the mysteries of the universe in just an hour?
Guy 2:a sushruth
by geniusdudethink November 23, 2010
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Confused and vulnerable to everyone, too kind for this world
All girls fall for you.
Sushruth is handsome
by Raskaraja69 November 23, 2021
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A handsome faced personality covered under glasses. Confused af personality with multiple daily life problems, which can only be resolved by leaving him alone when he wants to masterbate.
I wanna be like Ambati Sushruth Reddy
by Raskaraja69 November 30, 2021
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