A fictitious word introduced in Mary Poppins. Thought to be a nonsense word, but it contains elements of real Greek and Latin roots:

super: above, over, extreme

cali: beauty

fragilistic: delicate

expiali: to atone, to make amends

docious: educable, able to learn

Roughly translating to "atoning for extreme and delicate beauty while remaining highly educable".
My girl, Cydnee, is beyond gorgeous, beyond intelligent, beyond amazing. She is, quite perfectly, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She's a Goddess.
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A word you memorize so you can look cool or smart
Person 1: I'm way more smarter than you.
Person 2: Ha, you don't even know how to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Person 1: ...
by Oxford7 January 30, 2018
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This is the word you would brag about spelling in second grade almost as much as Mississippi but in all reality you just sound it out. You know to put in this word for when you`re bored and if we are being honest it could have just been the first thing that came to your mind but in both scenarios we can agree this word can not be ecxepted into society.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a long word with a short definition.
by We can agree, right? May 28, 2022
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