It's really a country, LOL.
Sudan is a hellish republican that has more people then gallons of clean water.
by TacoMann February 9, 2010
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No one really knows what the fuck Sudan really is.
Person one: what the fuck is Sudan? Person two: I don't know.
by Whatevenissudan September 14, 2019
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If you look up Clusterfuck in the dictionary, well you wouldn't find anything because clusterfuck isn't a real word. But if it was, there would probably be a picture of South Sudan next to it." Sam O'Nella
South Sudan is a clusterfuck.
by Clusterfuck1 October 8, 2019
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The largest clusterfuck in human history were the government at all times fights a civil war and several rebellions which all fight each other and the president wears a gay hat
I’m going to South Sudan

That sounds like suicide with extra steps
by Drawist April 20, 2020
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A country recently split off from Sudan, Juba-Juba-Juba.
I shall travel to South Sudan.
by that_tree_over_there December 6, 2011
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