using to read a large amount of digital text quickly.
"Dude, class meets in 20 minutes and you haven't read any of that online crap yet!"
"No sweat, I'll just spreed it."
by Rockman875 September 16, 2008
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being in a high state, trippin balls, or acting like a dumbass.
Chilling, drunk, lit, sleepy, or tired. Can be used to substitute all of the above.
"yo tommy i hella spreed" "well you should not have done that last bowl jorge!
by iamspreed June 24, 2011
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(No offense to policy debaters)

Spreading- which is speaking over 250 wpm while debating- but used to be funny and as a slight reference to the I am speed meme.
I. E. of spreeding: ahem...

Person 1: I AM SPREED!
Person 2: No it's "I am speed!"
Person 1: Ugh dumb untrendy person
by nemnemnomnomnyamnyom September 14, 2020
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A white male that makes radical comments at black peoples (specifically women)
A way you can use this is hey that spreed toe called me a wigga
by Spreedbutt24 August 5, 2023
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