A bunch of trailertrash douchebags that are poor as fuck who wont go to college no matter how good their grades are because when the admissions office look at them they say oh they're from some piece of shit town with terrible education. All the girls are lesbians and are raised to satisfy their minimum wage earning men.
matt kelleher= dumbass football player.. gets a 4.0 in southington
by chris damico October 18, 2006
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A crappy school located in Southington, Connecticut known for its football team (under the leadership of Coach Mella, currently under investigation for using school funds) and drug problems (especially pot and alcohol). Due to this, all the bathrooms smell of marijuana and makes the surrounding rooms stink up. Not much teaching is actually taught there, as most of the teachers have given up on the dumbass students or just don't feel like it. Yet somhow everyone passes. Fire alarms randomly going off, lockdowns, and heating problems are no surprise, especially in the winter when it can be brutally cold and snowy outside. It takes in all the kids from Hartford becuase surprisingly, their schools apparently suck as much as ours.
Southington High School sucks so much, I had to be the first to define it.

J: Where do you go? I'm from Manchester.
S: I'm forced to go to SHS. It sucks balls.
J: Ooh, bummer.
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Mount Southington is where you go to drop your kids off for minimum wage teenagers to take care of. Don’t even get me started about ski wee. The park kids there think they’re Shawn fucking White but really they’re just a bunch of crackheads that eat ass, smoke grass, and ski fast. The food there is over priced but the food trucks are nice. The only good thing about the “mountain” is the half pipe. It’s a hill, don’t even argue about it......
“Yo I went to mount southington last weekend and got kicked out by ski patrol for doing a backflip!”
“No way dude! I got kicked out for doing shots on the lift!”
by Recked101 April 22, 2021
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basically where all the sluts live. aka slutington. everyone cheats on each other and fucks around with peoples feelings. also everyone does drugs and fucks in the unisex bathrooms.
dont move to southington or youll get your heat broken by a hoe.
by southingtonhoe March 17, 2019
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