Taking from a unreliable person in Bloomington, MN - Snaza has became the new "slang" for getting bluffed.
Stoner 1; Dude, I've got the most amazing danks ever.
Stoner 2; Dude, let's peep game
Stoner 2; Fuck. You've got beasters. I said not to snaza me.
by Mr. Trapstar July 25, 2009
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to be a pussy or wimp. Also to be whipped beyond belief
jeez quit acting like snaza; or way to be a snaza
by MTDS October 23, 2006
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A crooked east Bloominton 'business man' whom earns his living scamming his clientele. The word 'snaza' has became a popular term between Bloomington youth, meaning bluffed or duped.
Casey Snaza was raised on Bloomingtons west side despite claims of east side representation.
by B.P. D. D. S. February 18, 2011
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