The most exquisite word ever to grace the English dictionary, "shpwn'd" was created just this year in an ordinary classroom located in Washington. The students of this classroom are in such awe of this word that it even has its own special day (April 23) on which students all over the world write "SHPWN'D" on their hands and high-five others who do the same. Some even go so far as to create lovely shirts that celebrate this magical, mystical, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious word. One rule about it, however: those who know of the actual origin of the word are NOT allowed, under any circumstances, including under pain of death, to share the actual origin of the word.
"You've just been shpwn'd!"
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SHPWN'D - (adj.) --> See SHPWN
The most EPIC and MAGNIFLOURIOUS word ever created thus far (thus far being April 2010), SHPWN, most commonly seen as SHPWN'D, originated in an average classroom in a Washington State school. One especially creative student had a flash of brilliance, and she coined the now infamous term "SHPWN'D". The word is so amazing that the students of the class decided to create a SHPWN'D Day (April 23rd), during which one writes "SHPWN'D" on their palms to give high fives while shouting, "You just got SHPWN'D!!" Some students even SHPWN'D the other SHPWN'D Day participants by creating t-shirts bearing the legendary word. The most devoted followers actually penned "SHPWN'D" on their foreheads.
"You just got SHPWN'D!"
"Everybody who wore a SHPWN'D shirt totally SHPWN'D the world!"
by Creator of SHPWN'D April 28, 2010
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