The biggest sell-outs in history. Their first CDs were absolutley amazing. They were my favorite band for the longest time. Then City of Evil came out. THE WORST thing I've ever heard. They go from unique underground metal band to #1 on TRL. The most disgraceful thing a band can do.
by Trishelle February 27, 2006
A band that emerged during the hardcore scene. After their first two CD's, they changed up their act, began to suck, and sold out. Selling out and Avenged Sevenfold are now two closely linked verbs.
"Hey dude, have you heard Metallica's new CD?"
"Dude, they Avenged Sevenfolded when they released Saint Anger."
"Dude, they Avenged Sevenfolded when they released Saint Anger."
by Skrah June 18, 2008
A band that comes from Huntington Beach, CA. They have a great sound, and produce some good music....they are my second favorite band, next to The Offspring.
Now, to be frank...the only reason the band is what it is, is the lead guitarist Synyster Gates (my guitar idol, absolutely incredible), and the drummer The Rev. They ARE the band, they are SUCH musicians its incredible. The other band members are dead weight. Zacky Vengeance, M Shadows and Johnny Christ. They have no idea what they are doing musically. They have great chemistry on stage, don't get me wrong, such talent should not be mixed with that much...bad talent....thats all....
Now, to be frank...the only reason the band is what it is, is the lead guitarist Synyster Gates (my guitar idol, absolutely incredible), and the drummer The Rev. They ARE the band, they are SUCH musicians its incredible. The other band members are dead weight. Zacky Vengeance, M Shadows and Johnny Christ. They have no idea what they are doing musically. They have great chemistry on stage, don't get me wrong, such talent should not be mixed with that much...bad talent....thats all....
by PhatPJ September 11, 2009
A short-lived band composed of Avenged Sevenold's M. Shadows and The Rev, and a handful of S club 7's members. It was started in March of 2002 and the members promptly broke up in April of 2002.
by Xaublius August 3, 2010
A dangerous cult that doesn't allow you to listen to, or talk to, or even look at albums for any band that isn't Avenged Sevenfold. People usually tend to join this cult after going to an A7X concert, and their friends are left with no means of helping them. You can try to show them that there is other music besides A7X, but it will be in vaine. the best thing is, is to move on. It's similar to if they became a zombie, there is just no hope for them. It is their belief that A7X will come down for them in the next 10 years or so in a spaceship, so they can live in a place where good music doesn't exist.
"dude you've got to help me! i went to this A7X concert, and now these people in robes are telling me that i have to go live in their Avenged Sevenfold Fanclub commune. he's really convincing tho, he sais that they have punch"
by sirjamestitsmcgee February 7, 2010
Avenged Sevenfold rules
by Eddie the Head April 23, 2023
Most people didn't even listen to this band during their metalcore days. That's when Avenged Sevenfold was truly badass. Don't get me wrong, they're still pretty great today and their new album slaps, but if you want to listen to their heavier metalcore type music, then listen to Sounding The Seventh Trumpet and Waking The Fallen.
by Eddie the Head November 15, 2023