A raging hot lesbian cookie with a 0.0314% chance for you to even get it. Has caused me many of pain
Terrance:"Hey bob, have you gotten sea fairy cookie yet?"
by Almondaddy November 25, 2021
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A raging lesbian with a 0.0314% chance to even obtain her, So rare that i will have a partner before i get to look at her, So rare that i will stopped doing ur mom before i get her, so rare that in all my time of playing Cookie Run Kingdom, i have never got her
terrance:"Hey Bob, have you gotten Sea Fairy Cookie yet?
by Almondaddy November 25, 2021
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Sea fairy is a hot lesbain cookie people ship her with moonlight cookie
"I want sea fairy's poosay I'm my mouth"said bob "me too"said blob
by Sorbets biggest fan March 6, 2022
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