This is a periphrastic way of referring to William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," a device sometimes used by actors to avoid referring to the play by name, because of the supposed bad luck that it might bring if it is referred to by name. Likewise, the protagonist and his wife are referred to as"Mr. and Mrs. M."
The Village Players led off this year's season with the Scottish play.
by eViL pOp TaRt April 25, 2010
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a cursed shakespere play.well,i'm not gonna say the name
NEVER say the real name of the scottish play!
by jessica hermia beatrice juliet December 23, 2012
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A reference to shakespeared "Macbeth"no one in a theater is supposed to say the m word for fear of bringing. Bad luck to the theater or whatever production is In house

by 4realazitgits March 28, 2021
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