How you feel the day after a night on drugs, feeling light headed and dizzy
"oooorrrr man I'm scated everywhere"
by Jimmah Eames November 10, 2006
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A word used when a person wants to kill themselves or when suggesting someone else should kill themselves, preferably by hanging. Can be used in many contexts. It can also be seen as sc8z, sc8, skates, sk8, sk8z.
Friend 1: I've got a 2000 word assignment due tomorrow and I haven't started
Friend 2: SCATES!!!

Friend 1: I had a 14 killsteak in HoN and died, think in gonna scates.
Friend 2: unlucky, massive sc8z
by I-AM-HON April 12, 2011
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“Wow that movie had a lot of jump scatee’s”
by yues June 29, 2021
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Scary, scare.
Jump scatee
“That movie had a lot of jump scatee’s”

by yues June 29, 2021
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1. how weirdo spelling skating
2. when people do a lot of scat sex
i want to go and do some scating
by atomicdominator July 10, 2016
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a scat or scating a female who is only interested in dirty things just before shes is going to get penetrated because sex is always on her mind. scatting is an action done by a women the terns a guy or a girl on.
holly shit this place is full of scats
she is scating away

i love a good scat first thing in the morning

i coldest resist her she was a scat
by badboygangter July 14, 2016
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A stupid cunt that is queerer than a 3 dollar bill with a dick the size nickel
by Pscates21 November 14, 2017
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