My thing(s)

1) I like solitove-whout
2) I would like to alonelearn (might be incorrect but its from natasha lobo , about Alejandro luis Villalobos)
3) when I deal with mental health issues I typically don't like going to hospitals because I just do my research online and figure out how to cure myself

4) I would like for people if they may have put a curse on that name on the parenthesis above to help him better explain things like especially with all the knowledge that you stole from him
This is Alejandro luis villalobos hernandez born February 17 1999 (unless I wasn't, but I think iwas because that's what I was told my whole life) and these are "My Thing(s)
by Natasha Lobo September 12, 2021
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The S H I T S

Diarrhea or explosive diarrhea so bad to the point where you have to take of all your clothes.
What happened so me this morning.
Eww why does it smell to bad in this bathroom?
Oh yeah it smells like ass because Jonathan had The S H I T S.
by Paxso-Africano April 5, 2024
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Blend S

An animated movie about some underage girls that child-labored under the reign of a fricking pedophile.
Blend S is the reason why I hate Japan.
by iWeeb Pro Max July 6, 2021
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S-I-M-P, also spelled like SIMP, Simp or S.I.M.P Stands for Squirrels In My Pants. A very useful word, which made its debut in a song
There are squirrels in my pants!
Tell me whats makin' you jump like that!
S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my pants!
Ain't got no chickens,
Ain't got no rats...
S-I-M-P, (Candace & Background)Squirrels in my pants!
S to the I to the M to the P,
Then maybe you can be moving like me...
Step right over and watch me put it down...
Step right over and watch me put it...
S to the I to M to the P!
Who you got back and watering your plants?
S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...
How can I qualify for government graaaants...
S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...
Hypnotize me, put me in a trance...
S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...
Got an Aunt Florance living in Fraaance...
She can't see the-
Squirrels in my Pants!
Step right over and watch me put it down...
Squirrels! Squirrels!
Step right over and watch me put it...
S to the I to the M to the P!
by The one with a lot of adobe September 27, 2020
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Coleton S

A smoking hot kid who pulls girls and is the best athlete in the world.
Man, I want to hang out with Coleton S.
by October 14, 2022
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S*** Outta Luck

When a request or problem is described, this phrase is used to tell the person that what they need or are requesting is simply not possible/available and probably won't be in the near future. An "urban" variation of "out of luck".
Priiz and FR33 Tha Sinner is dropping a new single, all these other rappers are “S*** Outta Luck” now.
by Blxck label November 24, 2021
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