a popular form of music that kicks the ass of most other geners of music. in fact, its the best, period.
i like ROCK music, everything else sux ass
by Crozier November 20, 2006
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Verb: To rock, (not cook crack cocaine, or any other meltable drug powder into solid-rock-like-balls-of-chemicals, but to play rock music, head bang, drink a lot of Jack Daniels and sleep with at least three groupies at once, scream really loud at the top of one's voice while other people slam their instruments in a rhythmic fashion and call it 'rock music', basically be really cool.). Present tense.
He/She/That Dude/That Chick rocks! *head bangs*
by Lex May 20, 2004
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1. a cool type of music
2. a way of expressing something cool
3. a stone
This rock music is really nice.
This rocks!!
Look at that rock.
That rock that listens to rock rocks!!
by Gorgey da Playa October 31, 2003
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A dumb human in which cannot seem to obtain the skill of catching hints being thrown in their damn face. Therefore, the human is dense and stupid hence the description ‘rock’. Aka a crush
That stupid rock isn’t even taking the hints that I’m sending to him.
by Depressed.brown.girls September 8, 2020
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How do you not know what this is you actual fucking idiot. You mine as well live under a rock. Wait then how do you not know what a rock is? Idiot
Yo what’s a rock

You are a fucking idiot John
by Tricycle Boat Penis123 June 29, 2021
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1. a stone; hard somewhat circular shaped peice of hard earth people often throw these at people for a friendly hello.
2. music (classic rock is the best kind)
I'm gonna throw a rock at your head!

Pink Floyd and led zeppelin are the best classic rock bands ever!
by honky October 25, 2003
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