It's like what R Kelly got caught doing; Except in this case the girl urinates on the guy. Also, being underage is not a requirement and should be avoided at all costs.
Lynn: I'll be right back. I haven't been to the bathroom since before lunch, I really gotta pee.

Me: Now'd be a good time to try that Reverse R Kelly thing I read about on Urban Dictonary. Are you up for it?
by !RKelly March 10, 2007
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1) when your mind is telling you yes, but your body is telling you no

2) when a middle aged woman holds the power in a relationship with a male teenager and uses that power dynamic to Engage in the act of urinating on said teenage boy during a sexual encounter.
1) mountain biker to another mountain biker “sorry to hold you up, I went full reverse R Kelly on that last hill climb

2) self explanatory
by Isthereanuntakenpseudonym September 6, 2019
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