Reverse Roasting is when you do the opposite of roasting/making fun of someone by complimenting them or making them feel good about themselves in a hood style manner.
Jon: Hey dude I love your basketball shorts!
Jim: Thanks Bro!
* A group of people surround Jon & Jim and shout OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!*
Jim just got a good reverse roasting and now feels good about himself
by Imaperson52 June 16, 2016
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Explosive diarrhoea and vomiting.
A spit roast is when things go into those orifices, so reverse is when things come out.
Person 1: I barely made it home before the food poisoning kicked in
Person 2: fuck, reverse spit roast in public is nightmare inducing
by LaLemon October 3, 2018
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Roast reversal is when someone who is being roasted to an extreme degree all of a sudden turns his situation around and goes on the attack with unparalleled levels of savagery.
James: *continued roasting of Jack for extended period of time*

Jack: How is your parents' relationship going James?

James: It's f-fine dude.

Jack: Don't lie, they're on the verge of splitting up and they always fight.

John: Holy shit, slick roast reversal Jack.
by BigDanno45 February 21, 2016
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